Beat Burnout
In the context of a modern workplace, which increasingly adopts remote and hybrid work settings, this project focuses on enhancing mental health and preventing burnout, particularly addressing the challenges faced by women in their career development.

Acknowledging that women have been significantly impacted in these work settings, the project prioritizes inclusion and diversity to mitigate risks like social exclusion and burnout. By addressing these specific needs, the initiative aims to create a more supportive and equitable work environment for women, aligning with broader goals of workplace equality and well-being.

The pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities between women and men in almost all areas of life, both in Europe and beyond, rolling back on the hard-won achievements of past years. The inclusion and diversity priority is key in this project, women has been effected the most by the pandemic and are at higher risk of being burnout. With the increase of remote work there is a risk of excluding women from career development and increase gender gap.The result, if not managed with empathetic and conscious leadership, will predictably increase employee depression, anxiety and stress, potentially leading to burnout. This challenge isn’t new, but the pandemic created a tipping point for it and employee well-being is at risk.